Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Paul defends his Universalist belief - Romans 6

Romans 6.12-end

Many thanks for all the birthday greetings, to all who came to my party and to all who gave me gifts or contributed to the beautiful new Ashbory bass guitar. I am very grateful and very blessed to have a gorgeous, yet devious wife, who managed to hide all the preparations from me and an amazing church family which is a blessing beyond anything I have experienced in my life. A big thankyou from the bottom of my heart!

But now I have reached a funny age (50), there will likely be consequences. Men of my age often begin to do strange things. Perhaps I will dye my hair green, buy a motorcycle, start wearing an earring or tattoos. Anything could happen!

One thing I am resolved to do is to engage in discussions about controversial issues, the kinds of things that Christians disagree with each other about, as well as disagreeing with other people in society. I intend to do this not because I enjoy starting fights or being difficult, but because I think conversation with people of different viewpoints is healthy and is part of the way in which we learn and in which God reveals the truth. Some of these discussions will be on separate “discussion group” evenings, some in a special Sunday morning sermon series later in the year, others will just come up when certain readings appear in the Church calendar.

Context – universalism?

Today’s reading from Romans gives me an opportunity to mention a belief I have arrived at which, although a minority view in evangelical churches, has always been accepted by some Christians since the earliest days of the Church and has been an allowed belief within the Church of England ever since Queen Elizabeth I’s days. It is a belief which a growing number of Christians around the world in all kinds of Churches are coming to accept, especially since Rob Bell’s recent book on the subject, “Love Wins” came out. It is the belief that in the end everybody without exception will be saved and reconciled to God, so that hell whatever hell is, will in the end be empty. The name for this is Evangelical Universalism or Universal Reconciliation.

People react to this idea in a range of different ways, and that’s understandable. You can use the Bible to make a case for or against it, and whilst I personally believe the evidence in favour is far stronger than the evidence against, you don’t have to agree with me!

Now, much of the biblical evidence in favour of universalism is in the writings of St Paul and one of the places he states it most clearly is in Romans 5.12-21 where he contrasts Adam and Jesus. In verse 18 for example he says:
“Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for ALL men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for ALL men.”

The majority view is that the second ALL cannot mean ALL because we know that universalism is not true, that some people, perhaps most, will be in hell forever and what’s more, we know that Paul was not a universalist. Well I disagree with that majority view (and I’m not alone in this). I think Paul was making a clear universalist claim and one piece of evidence to support this is the argument he presents in Romans 6.

Romans 6 - Paul responds to his critics

Let’s start by looking at 6.1 and 6.15; verses which indicate what Paul was arguing against in chapter 6:-

What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning, so that grace may increase? By no means!
Romans 6.1

What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!
Romans 6.15

I can only think of two reasons why Paul would write in this way:

1.Perhaps he was being accused of being a libertine or hedonist, someone who was teaching “Anything goes for Christians. We are free from the law and any other kind of moral restraint.”

But how could anybody think this of Paul? In all the descriptions of his life and teaching throughout Acts and his Letters, Paul never advocates anything like a libertine or hedonistic lifestyle. On the contrary, he teaches the exact opposite, urging his readers to live holy and Christlike lives marked by self-control and unselfish love.

2.His universalism was raising objections. This makes sense because the most common objection to universalism is this (quoting a friend who I recently discussed this with):
“So you are saying that the way we live this life and what we believe do not ultimately matter, because we are all going to heaven anyway.”

I think this is the accusation Paul was rejecting so clearly in Romans 6. I believe they could only conclude this from his universalism, clearly expressed in his letters and perhaps most clearly in Romans 5. And Paul rejects this criticism very strongly, “By no means!” His opponents have misrepresented his gospel message and have completely misunderstood God’s grace.

Remember Baptism

Paul answers in two stages. In verses 1-13, bearing in mind he is writing to baptized believers, he uses the imagery of baptism to emphasise that Christians have DIED to the old (sinful, libertine) way of life and have been RAISED to new life in Christ.

So he says “Count yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. DON’t let sin reign in your body and obey its desires. DO offer your body to God. Live a new way. Don’t let the old way control you.

Then in the second half of the chapter, the bit we are concentrating on today, Paul uses the imagery of slave ownership, something his Roman audience were very familiar with.

Whose slaves are you?

Sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law but under grace. Romans 6.14

Don’t be like a driver who looks only in his rear view mirror. He will inevitably crash and may harm others. Don’t be like a football player who has transferred to a new club, but continues to follow the instructions of the coach of his old club.

Paul knew that in fact many of his opponents were legalists. They held to a treasured system of rules which enabled them to decide who was in and who was out. This is why, like Jonah and like the prodigal son’s elder brother, they found God’s universalist tendency so offensive. Everybody will be in eventually, so what’s the point of living by the rules?
But like Jesus, Paul was aware of the hypocrisy of many legalists, who piled burdens on others whilst allowing loopholes in the law for themselves. Like Jesus, Paul hoped they would see their foolishness and change their ways.

Verse 15 anticipates the legalists’ objection that Paul was supposedly advocating a “lawless” lifestyle (implied by his universalism). By no means!

People, he argues, are obedient to whoever we offer ourselves as slaves. And there are essentially only two choices. We can be slaves to Sin (personified as a slave owner, but this will lead to the “death” of a fruitless, pointless life.

Or we can live in obedience to God, in response to God’s grace (love undeserved but freely given). This way leads to righteousness, to right-living, to LIFE.

Pauline Humour!

Now a joke from the Apostle we probably picture as being serious and miserable. Look at verse 17. He’s saying “Come on guys! You’ve already shown how good you are at being obedient. Remember how obedient you were to your previous master, “Sin”. Now show that same commitment to obedience to your new master, God. Come on, you can do it, I know you can!”

A Personal Challenge

Now I want to make a personal challenge to nobody in particular, or rather to everybody in particular (myself included). In 25 years as a Christian, almost 10 as an ordained minister, if one thing has surprised and amazed me even more than the transforming grace of God, it is this:

... the capacity of Christians to self-deception and compromise. The ability we have to compartmentalise our lives so that this part is yielded to God but that part is not. Sin is allowed to control these other parts of oour lives. Can you see how foolish this is? Because you can fool me and you can fool your family and friends but you can’t fool God. God is not pleased by outward allegience, he wants your heart. Right now, not just at the end of your life when you are full of regret and fearful of what is to come. He wants your loyalty and commitment now.

Concluding thoughts

When a house changes ownership, it still needs redecorating and furnishing so that the new owners can live in it and enjoy it. We are like that house, and all of us are work in progress, none of us is perfect yet.

When we move to a new country, we have to adopt at least some of the laws and customs of the country we have moved to. For instance, when I moved to Spain from England, I stopped driving on the left side of the road and started driving on the right. I could have continued driving on the left but it would not have gone well! I’ve also tried to learn Spanish so I can understand and make myself understood.

The cell doors of the fear of death are burst open. How sad it would be if we just stayed in the cell, as if locked in, our wrists together as if still handcuffed.

We need to live now, free from the rule of sin and the fear of death – like our mission partner Sister Pilar who spoke to us last week.

Paul’s universalist claims triggered a reaction from those who were scandalised by the extent of God’s grace which he was teaching. But Paul showed that, far from promoting a sinful, libertine lifestyle, his gospel leads to a beautiful new life which answers God’s love with an obedient, grateful, fruitful and unselfish life.

How you live and what you believe are intimately linked. You can’t live a double life.

Let’s pray.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Trinity Sermon

TRINITY SUNDAY – Matthew 28.16-20

• Short sermon today because I’ve been away at a busy ICS conference. Also because we are also going to be hearing from one of our mission partners Sister Pilar, about her work in Pakistan.

• Today is Trinity Sunday and I want to explain this key Christian doctrine as simply and clearly as possible (laughter? Impossible task?).

• Jesus said “Who do people say that I am?” His disciples replied “Some say you are John the Baptist returned from the dead; others say Elijah or another of the prophets.” Jesus replied “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered “You are the Logos, existing in the Father as his rationality and then, by an act of his will, being generated, in consideration of the various functions by which God is related to his creation, with each member of the Trinity being coequal with every other member and each acting inseperably with and interpenetrating every other member, with only an economic subordination within God, but causing no division which would make the substance no longer simple.” And Jesus answered “What?!?”

• The Bible of course does not use the word “trinity” but an understanding of it is behind all the NT gospels and epistles, most clearly in John and in today’s short reading from Matthew, traditionally called the “great commission”.

• WHERE in this short passage is the doctrine of the trinity explained? Apparently in the baptism formula – v19. But this really doesn’t explain anything, it just begs the question. The fact that Jesus tells the disciples to baptize new followers in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit must be because there is a trinity, a relationship between the 3 persons named, but without explaining what the relationship is or how it works.

• Fortunately in the rest of the reading there are some very clear pointers to what the trinity is about.

• V17-18 Bear in mind that the first disciples were all Jews and that for them it was of first importance that there is only ONE God and you should worship that true God and no one else. Yet when they saw Jesus here (between resurrection and ascension) we are told they WORSHIPPED him (even though some doubted – a very human and authentic touch!).

• Jesus would of course have stopped them worshipping him if it had been wrong. So here we have a clear statement that when Jesus is present, God is fully present. This is backed up by many other NT passages, e.g. John 14.9, Colossians 1.19, Hebrews 1.3.

• So whereas muslims, jehovah’s witnesses and many others would agree that Jesus was a great prophet and teacher sent by God, the Christian claim about Jesus has always been stronger than that, right from the start. When Jesus is present, God is fully present, we see the exact likeness of God and the right response is worship.

• This is reinforced in v18 where Jesus tells the disciples that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to him. Again these Jewish disciples knew that all authority in heaven and on earth belonged only to God, but believed the claim of Jesus and obeyed and followed him. It was obvious to them that when Jesus was present, God was present. That when Jesus spoke, he spoke the words of God, that when Jesus acted, he did the works of God, displayed the attitudes of God…

• Its not just that Jesus is the most obedient, man who ever lived, the most submissive to God’s will – more than that is claimed. Jesus is God, from the beginning to the end.

• The SECOND aspect of the trinity is clear in the final verse when Jesus says “I AM with you always, to the very end of the age.” He will BE WITH THEM even though this risen body is about to leave them, to return to heaven. He will be with them and indeed IN THEM in a new way, by the presence of his Holy Spirit which will soon be poured out.

• Again this is supported by other bible passages, e.g. John 14.17, 20, Colossians 1. 27. When the Holy Spirit is in you, Jesus is in you, and when Jesus is in you, God is in you, part of your essential being, no matter how you might hide that truth, deliberately or accidentally.

• (Joke) The Trinity were planning a holiday. The Holy Spirit, showing the creative part of the divine nature, was coming up with the ideas. “Let’s go to New York” she suggested. “No, no, no” said the Father, “They are so liberal there they’ll probably start calling me Mother and it will drive me nuts.” So the Spirit said “I know, let’s go to Jerusalem. Its beautiful and then there’s all the history and everything.” “No way!” said the Son. “After what happened the last time, I’m never going there again.” At this point the Spirit went off in a huff. Later she returned and was surprised that the Father and the Son had an idea they agreed on. “Why don’t we go to Barcelona?” they said. “Perfect!” said the Spirit “I’ve never been there before!”

• A sermon on the trinity should have three points! My third point is simply this… don’t try to explain it, just show it! Not by striving to be something you are not, but by yielding control of your life to the Holy Spirit who is God in you and God for everyone you meet.

• This needs to be more than just being obedient to what God says in the Bible. Billie and I enjoyed watching paragliders soaring on the Alpine air currents with joy and freedom. But an even better final illustration of the way the Spirit carries us where we need to be, enables us to be who we were made to be, is a HOT AIR BALLOON – warmed by God’s flame within, to soar, to serve and to save!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Pentecost All Age Sermon

Acts 2.1-21 (John 7.37-39)

(Gospel is read in different languages)

(Children gather at front)

Imagine Pentecost sights and sounds – LET”S MAKE sound of a rushing violent wind! (Rattles, shakers, everything!!!) Imagine also seeing tongues of fire on the disciples’ heads!?!

ACTUALLY Bible says “a sound LIKE the blowing of a violent wind” and “what seemed to be tongues of fire” – the writer of Acts is seeing and hearing something too unusual and amazing to describe!

WE TEND TO FOCUS on these spectacular effects which were signs of the coming of the Holy Spirit coming BECAUSE we want people to know Church isn’t boring (or hasn’t always been boring) – it can be as exciting as any theme park or Hollywood film!!

BUT it wasn’t these SFX which impressed the crowds – Jews & others from all over Roman Empire – after all the signs happened INSIDE the house where the disciples had been waiting and praying.

It was what happened AFTERWARDS which was really amazing, as we will see …

The HS is a very special gift which was given to the Church at Pentecost (7 weeks after the first Easter). The Spirit was given first to the disciples (give out envelopes of balloons & pens to the kids & get them to look inside)

But this was NOT because God wanted to make a special little group of people with a secret gift. It was for the OPPOSITE reason – because God is INCLUSIVE – God wants to bring everyone under his gentle kingdom rule, in which, as Jesus said, “his yoke is easy and his burden light”. This is GOOD NEWS not just for Jewish people, or people of a particular racial or religious background, not just for intelligent people or people who have lived perfect lives, but for EVERYONE!

(Now send children to “choir pews” with balloons - God’s good news - and pens. Written instruction for them with adult help is to blow up balloons and write on each one ‘Jesus loves you’ in different languages, and a picture of a cross or a fish).

While they are doing this…

The importance of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was that the followers of Jesus, under the control of the Spirit (or Helper) are enabled to tell the good news of the Kingdom in a way which can be understood by all kinds of people.

This should challenge us – in an age when the gospel doesn’t seem to be having much impact in our society and where the Church’s teaching seems archaic, irrelevant or unintelligible to most of our neighbours.

What IS the Gospel?
If we are going to turn things around we need two things so that the Gospel is heard by the people around us in a language they can understand – FIRST to be clear about what ‘the Good News’ IS… and I think we overcomplicate it – I’m as guilty as anyone.

The message Jesus actually preached is simply:-

‘Repent for the kingdom of God is here’.

He taught a lot of other things, but all based on that simple message. The kingdom of God has come in Jesus… and if people will live as citizens of that kingdom here and now, in this world, they can undermine and heal all that is wrong and ungodly and sick and dangerous about the world system that human beings have made.

‘Repent for the kingdom of God is here’ … or to put it another way ‘Think again, because the vision of God has been made achievable’.

Spread the Good News
Now Jesus made it clear to the disciples that their task was to take this good news to all people and all countries. In fact he said (Acts 1.8) that they would be his witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. That’s a big task! If these (empty) balloons represent the good news, let’s try to hit them to the four corners of the Church (including the balcony) using a tennis racquet (one of our tennis players to help!)

That didn’t work too well – why not? No air! Yes, the balloons need to be filled, and with the right stuff – not helium or they would go straight up into the sky (or make us speak with funny voices).

We need the Holy Spirit

SO, as well as learning again the simple, pure message of Jesus we also need to pray for the Holy Spirit to come and fill our lives as the lives of those first disciples were filled. Just like the balloons I gave the children need to be filled with air – otherwise they just DON’T WORK – they CAN’T DO what they were made to do!

SOMETHING I often hear from people is that they don’t think they are good enough or clean enough to be filled with the Holy Spirit, but the Bible’s promise is that the Spirit will be poured out on ALL people. God doesn’t wait until we are good enough – which will never happen – the work of spreading his love is far too important for that… (if you don’t believe me, read Acts 10 later!)

So HOW did the disciples get filled with the HS? It was an act of God, outside their control but THEIR PART was to

• Gather together
• Pray expectantly
• Be patient

None of which come naturally to us. But unless we do them we are unlikely to be filled with the HS or equipped for our task…

Like the disciples we need to be able to SHOW and TELL the good news of Jesus in language that can be understood by people outside the Church. In deeds as well as words… acts of service which go the extra mile, acts of welcome and hospitality and kindness which break down barriers of suspicion, and new ways of communicating truth which are not limited by history.

(Now the balloons can be batted from person to person until they are in all parts of the church)

Let these balloons remind us of the work of the Holy Spirit, taking God’s love and truth and mercy to all corners of the world, all races and languages and nations!


What happened at Pentecost was essential to the progress of God’s kingdom. The signs of the Spirit were spectacular – showing people that something very important was happening – but the EFFECT of the Spirit was more important and still is – GOD’S LOVE WAS BEING MADE AVAILABLE TO EVERYBODY.

FINALLY let’s use those words from John’s gospel as a prayer for a fresh outpouring of the HS on us so that God can work through us and take his love, his good news to the world with boldness and power.

Jesus says to us… ‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.


Monday, June 6, 2011

He's gone ... or has he?

Sermon Ascension Sunday 24.5.09
Eph 4.7-16 and Lk 24.44-end


I don’t know much about rap music, but one of its most famous stars was the musician and actor Tupac Shakur who has sold over 75 million albums, mostly on the themes of violence and hardship in inner cities, racism and other social problems. Tupac died after a shooting incident in 1996 but last week a rumour circulated that he was in fact alive and well and living in a small town in New Zealand. The rumours could have been proved true by meeting Tupac and hearing him perform again, with his unique style and charisma … but sadly it all proved to be a hoax!

After the death of JESUS, a rumour was circulated that he had been raised back to life. I happen to believe this was true (!) but many people believed & continue to believe it was false. Again, the matter could easily be settled by meeting Jesus and hearing him speak and act with his unique style and charisma, so WHY DIDN’T Jesus stay permanently on earth after the resurrection?

1. Because everything predicted by Scripture must happen to Jesus (Lk 24.44)

Isaiah 52.13 ‘See, my servant will act wisely, he will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted.’
Psalm 68.18 is also thought to refer to Jesus in saying ‘when you ascended on high.’

2. Because of the wider mission of Jesus

As we have seen previously, whereas the first Exodus was about the freeing of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, the prophets towards the end of OT times, had arrived at a far bigger vision of New Exodus through which all people would be freed from all kinds of oppression.

For instance Isaiah 49.6 where God says ‘It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.’

- transport and communication issues here, especially in the ancient world?!?

RATHER THAN the physical presence of his Son in countless places, cultures, languages, God chose in his wisdom to achieve his plan through countless missionary disciples. In a sense one body has been replaced by lots of bodies (but more on this point below!)

3. This strategy requires the ministry of the Holy Spirit (John 15.26-27, Luke 24.49) AND the Holy Spirit cannot come until Jesus has returned to the Father (John 16.7).


Now let’s turn to Ephesians. Early on in the letter (1.20-23) we learn that Jesus has been seated at the right hand of God the Father, above every authority, power and dominion and every title that can be given, in this age and the age to come.

Then in 2.6-7 Paul explains that all people who are saved by God’s grace are in effect seated with Jesus in the heavens. This is so that in the coming ages God might show the incomparable riches of his grace. And 2.10 – we have been saved by God’s grace SO THAT we can do the good works which God has prepared in advance for us to do (the order is important).

Now, Ephesians 4 explains HOW this will happen, especially v8 and v10 onwards. The Ascension happened SO THAT Jesus could pour out his gifts through the Holy Spirit…

Then v11 these gifts enabled believers to be apostles, prophets etc…

Why? V12 to equip the saints for the work of ministry, … for building up the body of Christ…

To what end? V13 until we ALL attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God.


So the Ascension prepares the way for Pentecost which equips all believers for ministry and for mission – God’s mission of setting free all people and all creation from sin, death and futility.

I said earlier that the one body of Jesus has been replaced by the millions of bodies of spirit filled Christians at work in the world. But in another very important sense there is still only one body – as Paul emphasises in 4.12 and 15-16. This challenges us to see ourselves NOT primarily as individual Christians who have a personal relationship with God through Jesus – but as parts of a single body, intimately joined to all other Christians, growing together, suffering together, building each other up and showing God’s love to the world TOGETHER.

Allow this emphasis to challenge us and change us into what we should be!

SO the answer to the smart question ‘where is this Jesus who you say is alive?’ is…

HERE and HERE and HERE… You can see his DNA, the proof of his life, in the life of this person and this person and this person… in the life of this loving, growing community, the Church.


How my dad taught me to swim How Jesus enabled his disciples

Armbands fully inflated Disciples learn to live like Jesus
I learn to copy strokes and to teach and heal

Dad gradually lets air out Disciples are sent in pairs

If I start to panic & sink, cf Peter walking on water
His arm supports me

No air left, his arms still under me Cross, then Resurrection

Eventually he steps away to prove = Disciples after the Ascension. Actually
to me that I can swim alone, as Jesus will still be with them as the HS.
he taught me. The buoyancy of the HS is like buoyancy of water, working
water keeps me afloat with our faith

Christian life is like swimming

- Good healthy exercise makes us stronger
- The more we practice it, the more confident we get
- If we fell off a boat we would be able to swim to safety
- If a STRONG swimmer we could even get to safety if the water is rough or cold
- We might also be able to rescue someone else who has fallen in
- Best swimmers can become lifeguards or swimming teachers!


Learn to swim / to be a follower of Jesus. Practice to become a better, stronger swimmer / follower … a lifesaver, a teacher of discipleship…

Tupac, just like Elvis or Beethoven continue to “live on” as people listen to and are affected by their music.

Jesus continues to live on in a more powerful, real and immediate sense, one body, made up of many, saving the world in his name and his power.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ascension Day Bible Study

Bible Study Questions – Ascension Day

Passages to read: Luke 24.36-end, Acts 1.1-11, Ephesians 4.1-16

Questions to ponder:

Q1 How do you understand what happened at the ascension?

Q2 What if the ascension had not happened? How different might history and the contemporary world look?

Q3 In these passages, what do Jesus and Paul say about why the ascension had to take place?

Q4 How does the ascension fit in with God’s wider mission?

Q5 Where does the Holy Spirit fit in? What about the Day of Pentecost?

Q6 How can we answer when someone asks “So where is this Jesus who you say is alive?”

Q7 To sum up, why did Jesus not stay permanently and physically on earth after his resurrection?