Friday, December 4, 2009

Thought for the day

When things are going well and looking good I go back to Eugene Peterson's 'The Contemplative Pastor' for a reminder of why I'm here. Here's a flavour:-

"How can I keep from settling into the salary and benefits of a checkout clerk in a store for religious consumers? How can I avoid a metamorphosis from the holy vocation of pastor into a promising career in religious sales?"

Don't let me do it folks - keep me on my knees!


  1. "On my knees" !! How has it come about that congregations no longer kneel, despite your invitation to sit or kneel!! Not important but the thought just comes to me on reading yr thought for the day!

  2. I wonder... they say actions speak louder than words but really its between each individual and God. Its the attitude of heart that matters.
