Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bible Study Luke 3.15-22 Baptism of Jesus

Bible Study – Luke 3.15-22 – The Baptism of Jesus

Q1 What can you remember of your own baptism? What did it mean to you at the time and subsequently?

Q2 What do you know about John the Baptist? Why did people pay attention to him and why did his preaching have such an impact?

Q3 John contrasts the baptism he gives with that which Jesus will give. What do the symbols of water, fire and the Holy Spirit mean here?

Q4 Are we surprised that Jesus would even be baptized? Discuss in pairs the conversation which Jesus has with John in Matthew 3.13-15.

Q5 What should we make of verse 17? Do you think this verse is about final judgement or about purification, and how does your answer affect your priorities? (Compare 1Corinthians 3.10-16).

Q6 How many reasons or explanations for baptism are indicated in Luke 3.15-22?

Q7 How does the baptism of Jesus relate to his subsequent ministry, his death and his resurrection?

Q8 How does the baptism of Jesus relate to
(a) our baptism of infants?
(b) our baptism of believers?
(c) our sacrament of confirmation?

Q9 A neighbour who does not attend church asks for your advice about whether or not to have her baby baptized. How would you reply?

Q10 Are there any other lessons we can learn from the biblical account of the baptism of Jesus?

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