Saturday, February 13, 2010

Luke 9.28-36
The Transfiguration – All Age Worship

What shape do you think the children are trying to illustrate for us?

(A mountain).
Let’s take votes on the following 4 suggestions…
(a) Exercise
(b) Achievement
(c) View
(d) Separation from crowds/noise
Which of these do you think was the reason Jesus took his closest disciples up the
mountain in Luke 9? Yes, (d)!
When we think of our own ‘mountain-top experiences in life, perhaps this separation
aspect is also significant.
In Luke’s gospel we should also be aware of the context. The ‘hinge’ verse of the gospel is
approaching rapidly, 9.51.
Next shape from the children…
(A letter V)
The disciples of Jesus had become confused about WHO Jesus was, WHAT he had come
to do and HOW they fit into the picture.
They needed to be separated from the world in order to see Jesus as he really was. The
experience would be one of the most impressive and inspirational events of their lives. We
know this from what they wrote in the New Testament (eg 1 Peter 1.17-18).
3 Vs happened… The children are putting the letters of three words beginning with V into
order. Let’s look at them now.
First there is VISION. Which of the children knows what a vision is? It could be where we
imagine seeing something which isn’t really there, but in the Bible, especially here, it is the
opposite! This kind of a VISION is when God allows somebody to see things AS THEY
c/ Horaci, 38; 08022 Barcelona · tel: 93 417 88 67 · fax: 93 212 84 33 · ·
REALLY ARE. When the disciples saw Jesus in all his glory they knew once and for all
that he was sent from God to save the world.
Secondly there was a VISIT. Who were the visitors mentioned in our story?
(Moses and Elijah).
Some interesting things about Moses and Elijah.
• They represent the Old Testament Law and the Old Testament Prophets
• They each handed on to a successor who was a bit like Jesus (Joshua had the
same name as Jesus and led the people over the River Jordan into the promised
land. Elijah’s disciple Elisha had a great healing ministry!)
• Their presence here shows that Jesus continues, confirms and completes their
works. (The children can make a letter C for us!)
The third V word is VOICE. Whose voice was heard on the mountain top?
Yes, God’s voice… saying “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.”
Now, let’s see what letter we get by putting two Vs together… thank you children,
a W.
This letter reminds me that when people are separated from the world and see Jesus as
he really is, only one response is possible, a word beginning with W…
In Matthew’s version of this same story we are told that the disciples fell to the ground
terrified. Then Jesus touched them, lifted them up and said “do not be afraid.” This is very
similar to other Bible stories about worship like Acts 9, Revelation 1 and Ezekiel 1.28-2.2.
THESE stories give us a model for how we should worship God (not the OT sacrifice
AT their best, this is what our worship services are like, which is a very challenging
thought. It is a challenging thought for all of us who are responsible for leading worship
AND for all of us who come with expectations of worship.
The best worship actually changes the worshippers and equips them for their mission
(which is a continuation of Jesus’s mission).
Which brings us onto our final illustration…
< >
Just as we try to hang on to our special ‘mountain-top experiences’, so Peter and the
others wanted to stay on the mountain and make little huts for Jesus, Moses and Elijah.
c/ Horaci, 38; 08022 Barcelona · tel: 93 417 88 67 · fax: 93 212 84 33 · ·
But Jesus didn’t let them, instead he led the disciples back down the mountain into the
The symbol the children have made reminds us of arrows, pointing us out into the world.
He told the disciples that their job (and ours) was to be his witnesses in the world. And this
wouldn’t be easy because just as Jesus would have to suffer and die to save us from our
sins, the disciples’ lives would also involve suffering to shine his light and share his love
with others.
It is good for Christians at least once a week to come up the mountain and, for a time,
separate themselves from the world.
Why? To see a VISION of Jesus as he really is, to hear God’s VOICE and to worship God
as Father, Son and Holy Spirit…
…with the PURPOSE of being transformed into effective carriers of his grace and mercy to
the world.
We can’t stay on the mountain top if we are to witness effectively. It is good for us to enjoy
the bright light of Jesus, but then we have to take that light out into the world!
FINALLY, as a symbol of our commitment to taking the love of Jesus out into the world, I’m
going to invite each person here today to put a heart shaped ‘leaf’ on our prayer tree. You
don’t have to write on them, but you can, if there is a specific person, country or situation
that you have in mind.


  1. Andrew 3rd attempt previous were cut off! In case you did not know the story. Local tradition claims that Christ was taken to the top of the hill behind St. George's during his 40 days in solitude. Why but of course to see the view iof the world below, and hence the name Tibidabo - I will give to thee, rejected by Him. Ref the crossing of the lake previous Sunday - causes of stress and anxiety - fear, unertainty of the future, fear to face the truth leading to deceit and dishonesty, deceiving oneself, deceiving others, specially in these crisis times with loss of jobs, loss of business, leading to further fear and deceit, fear of what will happen when truth will out. Christ slept because he was confident in the men he had chosen, some fishermen with experience of the unpredictability of seas/lakes - perhaps he was testing their strength and confidence, and at their alarm, showed them that faith in his support will see them through all adversity, as indeed it turned out later as they preached the Gospel. Michael.

  2. Thanks Michael, I had heard a variation of your Tibidabo story. I like your comment about Christ being confident in the men he had chosen but also continuing to test them, preparing them for the work to come.

  3. What a lovely sermon, perfect in an all age setting. Was this the one the billie did?

  4. No, this one was me! Although Billie did help me make it 'child-friendly'. It seemed to go down really well.
