Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bible Study - Luke 13.31-35

Bible Study – Luke 13.31-35

First read today’s passage and then quickly scan through the whole of Jesus’s journey to Jerusalem (Luke 9.51 to 19.44). Take note of the themes and conflicts which recur again and again in these chapters and which are evident in today’s short passage.

Q1 Verse 31 hints at an ‘unholy alliance’ against Jesus involving religious and political leaders. This theme is also explicit throughout Luke’s gospel. Why did the political and religious leaders see Jesus as a threat?

Q2 How is it that people with a sincere commitment to God often seem to act in a way that works against God (e.g. Lk 13.14-17)?

The next few questions concentrate on verses 32 and 33.

Q3 Why is Jerusalem so significant? How do we account for the determination of Jesus to get to Jerusalem, even though he knew how he would be treated there?

Q4 How does Jesus plan to use the limited time available to him, and why?

Q5 We also each have a limited time available to us. How might our lives look if we shared the priorities of Jesus?

Q6 Is the war that Jesus fought also OUR war? Or was it uniquely HIS war (See also Luke 4.18-21)?

Now let’s turn to verses 34 and 35.

Q7 According to Luke, Jesus had not yet been to Jerusalem as an adult. How can we make sense of what he says in verse 34? What difference does it make if we understand these words as the words of God in Christ (see also 2 Cor 5.19)?

Q8 Verse 34 could be said to sum up the whole of the Old Testament. How far do you agree with this?

Q9 In what sense is the house of Jerusalem left desolate (v35)? Does this verse carry a message of despair or of hope?

Q10 How can we best encourage our non-christian neighbours to say “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord”?

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