Friday, April 30, 2010

Bible Study - Revelation 7.9-17

Bible Study – Revelation 7.9-17

Q1 In comparison with other parts of the Bible, what are the special difficulties about reading Revelation?

Q2 At the time that Revelation was written, what do we know about the situation of the writer and the people he was writing to?

Q3 How many people will benefit from salvation in Jesus? How can we reconcile what we read in verses 5 to 8 with what we read in verse 9?

Q4 What do you think is signified by the white robes worn by the people in John’s vision?

Q5 Bearing mind your answer to question 2, for what purpose do you think John was given this vision?

Q6 Verse 14 explains who the people in white robes are and where they came from? How clear are you about the meaning of this verse? Does it raise any questions for you?

Q7 Looking at verses 15 to 17, how does this picture of the condition of the saved relate to OT passages like Isaiah 25.6-9 and Luke 6.20-22?

Q8 Have a look at Revelation 21.1-6 and 22.1-5. What is the ultimate goal that the Bible is pointing towards?

Q9 How do these glimpses of the work our Father is engaged in relate to our daily lives? How are we motivated by them?

Q10 Does this passage make you want to make any changes or do anything differently?


  1. Andrew: Used lunch hour to go thru above! Quick answer to Q 8 : Fullfillment of "Thy Kingdom Come" ?

  2. Yes! ...ON EARTH as it is in Heaven.
    Thanks Michael

  3. .....and at your retreat this coming weekend!
