Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sheep and Shepherds 2

The second of two sessions prepared for the Gibraltar Archdeaconry Synod 2011.


Yesterday, we looked at our relationships with God and with each other. We looked at the positive and negative influences we are subject to as leaders of expat church communities and some of the issues current in the Church of England as a whole. We looked at how we relate to God as the Good shepherd and how we might lead or shepherd our own ‘flocks’.

Today we are exploring our roles as leaders further. Growing together can be defined as growing closer together, it can also mean a body of people developing or growing together, in a journey of faith for example. This session explores both these approaches to the responsibility of leadership.

Sheep or wolves?

Wolves adopt a pack animal culture with an alpha male in charge; rivalry and jockeying for position are common. Sheep follow their shepherd unquestioningly, they are submissive and there is no competition between them. Use the continuum lines below to decide where you stand between the extremes of wolf and sheep. Mark where you feel you are with an X on each line.

In your relationship with God


In your relationships within church


In your relationships with outsiders


Bible Study

1 Peter 5.1-11
o Matt 10.16 (sheep amongst wolves)
o Matt 25.31ff (Judgement parable, sheep and goats)
o Matt 28.18-20 (the Great Commission)
o John 10.16-17 (reaching others, one flock/one shepherd)
o + any other passage you consider relevant!



1. How can people in church leadership positions ensure that their motivation is pure? How easy is it to combine strength and humility?

2. Do you spend most of your time feeding and stroking sheep or seeking and rescuing sheep? Would you like to change this balance?


3. Bearing in mind the selection criteria, what can we do to ensure that members of our flock will be judged as sheep rather than goats?

4. Consider the Great Commission and our Lord’s priorities of seeking the lost and bringing in other sheep from outside the fold. How does this mission apply to us, in our peculiar position as the Church of England in Spain/Portugal? Are we excused from it?

5. Jesus sent the disciples out like sheep amongst wolves. Should we as Church leaders encourage our flock to take risks, or would that conflict with our pastoral role?


What have you learned from these bible studies about your relationships with God and others as a follower or our Lord and as a leader of the church? How does this relate to the theme of ‘Growing Together’?


Father, we thank you that you sent your son, Jesus Christ, as our shepherd. We want to follow him with all our hearts and we ask you to fill us with your Holy Spirit and help us and guide us in our spiritual journey. Help us to stay close to You at all times so that the burden of our leadership responsibilities doesn’t overwhelm us. We pray that our ‘flocks’ will flourish under your tender care. We pray that we may continue to grow together during this Synod, deepening our love and understanding of You. Amen.

Recommended reading

Alison, J. (1998) Knowing Jesus SPCK
(This new edition has a foreword by ++ Rowan Williams)

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