Thursday, March 3, 2011

Matt 17 Transfiguration Bible Study

Bible Study - Matthew 17.1-9

Q1 What can we learn from the context of this passage within Matthew’s gospel?

Q2 Why do you think Jesus took the three disciples up the mountain with him at this time?

Q3 What do the changes in Jesus’s appearance tell us?

Q4 What is the significance of the appearance of Moses and Elijah with Jesus?

Q5 What do they each represent and what connection do they have with the mission of Jesus?

Luke tells us what Moses and Elijah talked about with Jesus. See especially Luke 9.31 where the word translated ‘departure’ is actually the word ‘exodus’ – an unusual word to use about someone’s death.

Q6 What are the similarities and differences between the Old Testament exodus and the exodus that Jesus achieved through his journey, his death and his resurrection?

Q7 What do you make of Peter’s suggestion in verse 4? How does this relate to spiritual high-points in our own lives?

Q8 How do the words of God and the actions of Jesus address the disciples? You might want to compare Ezekiel 1.25 to 2.3, Acts 9.1-6 and Revelation 1.12-18.

Q9 Why do you think Jesus instucted the instruction of verse 9 “Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead”? How could they understand what he meant?

Q10 What was the significance of the transfiguration (a) for Jesus, (b) for the disciples and (c) for us? It may help to look at 2 Peter 1.12-18.

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