Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bible Study - John 9

Bible Study John 9

Q1 How do you see the context of this chapter within John’s gospel?

Q2 The disciples’ first question is not “how can we help?” but “whose fault is this?” What reasons are there for this common human reaction to the misfortune of others? (verses 1-2)

Q3 What does Jesus mean by his answer to the disciples? (verse 3)

Q4 How do you interpret verses 4-5? What does it mean that Jesus is the light of the world?

Q5 Is this a “healing” or is there a better word for what Jesus does (v6-7)? What is the role of faith in this story and how does it relate to other passages you can think of?

Q6 What do we learn from the first reaction of his neighbours to what has happened to the man born blind? (verses 8-12)

Q7 What for you are the key points in the account of the Pharisees’ investigation? What is at stake here and why do they get so angry? (verses 13-34)

Q8 The man finally sees Jesus in verse 35. How does their conversation contrast with what has gone before? (verses 35-38)

Q9 Who is Jesus’ judgement directed towards and why? What lessons or warnings are here for the Church and for individual Christians? (verses 39-41)

Q10 Another gospel passage where Jesus deals with similar issues is Luke 13.1-5. What does this passage add to your understanding?

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