Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bible Study - John 1.29ff

Bible Study 11th January 2012 – John 1.29 - end
Q1    What do you think is most notable about John the Baptist’s character as he prepares the way for Jesus? How well do you think John the Baptist understood who Jesus was and why he had come (see also Matthew 11.2)?

Q2    What did John the Baptist mean when he referred to Jesus as the Lamb of God? (Hint: Here are some significant OT lamb references:- Exodus 12.3-5, Isaiah 53.7, Jeremiah 11.19, Genesis 22.8).

Q3    Responding to John’s signal the first two disciples (Andrew and probably John the gospel writer) follow Jesus. What do you notice about their opening conversation and actions?

Q4    Why do you think Andrew’s first priority is to find Simon and bring him to Jesus? What would the word “Christ” or “Messiah” have meant to them?

Q5    Why does Jesus rename Simon? What other Bible characters can you think of who were given a new name?

Q6    In what ways do the calling of Philip and Nathanael differ from those of Andrew, John and Peter? How about your own journey to faith; were you called by Jesus directly, brought to Jesus by someone else, or did you find him through your own searching? How does your story compare with others?

Q7    Philip appeals to the Jewish tradition, in explaining who Jesus is (verse 45). How can we explain Jesus to people now, when the Jewish/Christian heritage is either forgotten or rejected by so many people? (Is the approach taken by Paul in Acts 17 or Daniel in Daniel chapters 5 and 6, any help?)

Q8    Verses 47 and 51 allude to the OT story of Jacob (Genesis 32.24-29 and 28.12-13). What is a true Israelite? What kind of attributes did Jesus look for in his first disciples? How about today; who is he calling and what qualities is he looking for?

Q9    What do you think are the biggest barriers preventing people coming to faith in Jesus today? What can we do to overcome these barriers?

1 comment:

  1. On Wednesday 11/01 at the Bible Study session at St George's we only got as far as Q6 and each one of us told our story of our journey to faith. The experience showed the wonderful spirit of true fellowship developed through getting together and sharing during these studies of the Bible.
