Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bible Study - John 2.1-11

Bible Study – John 2.1-11

Q1    What is the funniest thing you have ever seen happen at a wedding?

Q2    If you could choose any miracle at the start of your new job or ministry, what would it be?

Q3    Why do you think Jesus went to the wedding?

Q4    What do verses 3-5 reveal about Jesus’s relationship with his mother? In what ways is this a turning point in their relationship?

Q5    Why do you think Jesus went about solving the problem in the way he did? How might you have done it differently, assuming you had Jesus’s powers?

Q6    What part does the size and purpose of the jars play in the story?

Q7    What does the quality and quantity of the wine produced say about Jesus? In what sense is his glory revealed?

Q8    How does this sign relate to the “time” or “hour” that Jesus refers to?

Q9    Why do you think Jesus performed his first sign at a wedding feast? Did this have any special significance?

Q10    How is the quality and quantity of wine in your life, or the life of your church or family? What would you like Jesus to transform or renew?

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